Thursday 5 November 2015

InWorldz FALL FEST 2015 - Set 11

InWorldz Fall Fest 2015 October 18-31st.
Travels in InWorldz - Photographic Studies

"A WEEFOLK HALLOWEEN by the weefolk of Inworldz team:
Cassie Eldemar
OldeSoul Eldemar
aminata Potez
Archer Umia
belavar planie
sChen Chaos
Ladyheart Murin
Teal Freenote
Full of halloween tricks and treats. Features include a giant pumpkin storytelling stage, a pumpkin carousel, ghosts, goblins and graveyard. As usual, the weefolk go all out to create a fun and spooky environment for you to explore". ~#EC
Images by © rig torok