Saturday 13 January 2018

InWorldz - Westseaxna

January 2018
Images by © #RigTorok

"Westseaxna (Kingdom of Saxons) is a Medieval Realm with many exciting attractions: an Arena where Tournaments are held, including hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting; archery and spear throwing area, and a Joust List where you can ride your horse (or buy one cheap) and use a lance to try to knock your friends out of their saddles.
If you prefer more relaxing activities, you can wander through the beautiful forests or castle gardens; visit Stonehenge, go shopping in the marketplace, explore the Wizard's Cave, the Cavern or the Iron Ore Mine. You can even have a drink in the Tavern, sail around the islands or go dancing. There really is SO much to see and do in Westseaxna so please visit often. All are welcome in these picturesque and peaceful lands (covering 4 sims)", ~Ladyheart Janick