Friday 10 April 2015

I.C.E. - InWorldz

InWorldz is pleased to announce our very first endowment here at InWorldz it is going to be know as InWorldz Cultural Arts Endowment  a/k/a ICE.  
ICE is available to everyone whether you are a novice or an extremely developed virtual artist, creator or developer.  ICE is headed by Jeri Rahja with her panel of Ladyheart Muirin and Gerrard Winstanley.
ICE comprises 3 full sims and 2 scenic sims.  The 3 full sims will rotate every month  - and once an artists turn comes up they have 45days to 2 months  to get their art  project up, after which their project will be up for 45 days - until the next artists will have their turn to place their art project up and so on.   With these 3 endowed sims we can showcase from 12 to 24 artists per year  - it will depend on the amount of prims the artists may need and where on the sim where the artist will be building.
IWZ is proud to encourage the growth and development of Virtual Arts with this endowment - and we encourage each and everyone of you to take advantage of the opportunity this presents.
IWZ has evolved into an enchanting and beautiful world where everyone has revealed  their amazing creative artistic side.  We have certainly lived up to the Henri Matisse quote, “Creativity takes courage” for our art and creativity within IWZ has conquered many boundaries. - Remember art takes many forms in the virtual world: Photography, 2D art, Mesh & Sculptie Sculpture, Twisted & Torched Prims, Auto, Boat & Misc Vehicle Building, Architecture, Sim Design & Building, Furniture, creative design and Clothing. Think you are just a thought away from a artistic sim design.
We must insist that all your sculpties be yours or that you are properly licensed for you use them along with mesh maps and any and all textures.
On the scenic sims we will offer to place items from a gallery and or sculptures from a fest or an event here at IWZ the items on the Scenics  will revolve every 30 days.
Please make sure you get your applications located at the IDI sim and send them to Jeri Rahja - they will be properly date stamped and checked to see they have been filled out correctly and you will be contacted and told when you are in line to be on the ICE project.
Also, to have your gallery seen on the scenic or you special sculpture or art piece of art please fill out the application for ICE  Scenic located on the IDI Sim and  sent to Jeri Rahja and she will be in touch with you ASAP.
Wishing you the best and have lots of fun!
The Founding Staff: Elenia, Tranq & Legion.

Application for ICE.
Inworldz Cultural Arts Endowment  - FULL SIM
Please Obtain an Application form from: Jeri Rahja (Via: InWorldz Grid)
Example of the Application Form:
Name :
Name of you ICE Project and supply some detail?
We do need a good Guesstimation of how many prims you feel you will be using out of the 45,000 prims?
Will this be a 2D or 3D  Project?
Please tell us about you and the type of artists you are?
Will  you be building on the ground or in the sky?
How soon can you get ready?
Do you have a Gallery here on the grid and if so the IM please?
When you get this sim - remember you will get sim rights to do your own terraforming  -  if you need  to have textures added to the sim - I can see that is done for you  - but everything  - is up to you - you are on your own  -
and you must met deadline for Opening day. Opening day  will be told to you the day your get your sim assignment and the date it will be available to you.
Thanks for applying  - best  wishes...
Jeri Rahja (Via:  InWorldz grid)