Friday, 31 July 2015


When life gives you apples: RUN.
Credit: Rebeca Bashly - Second Life March 2015
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

Thursday, 30 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 7

Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

 037 - Entering the final gate and escaping from CyberPolis - "The End".

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 6

Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

028 - A deadly Cyborg Archer however, you are safe with the "Pass-Word"!

 032 - The last 3 letters, one is this lamp the other two I have forgotten!!

Monday, 27 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 5

Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

022 - Searching the dark Down-Town areas looking for a badly damaged Cyborg

026 - First letter of her name is the 4th code letter!

027 - The 4 letter code now opens the Gate

Sunday, 26 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 4

Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

 016 - Along the leafy path

 017 - Up into the vast maze of corridors

 020 - Next Code Letter is the 1st letter of this Movie's Director?

Friday, 24 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 3

Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

 008 - ►►► walking along the coast line, after an hour I spot through the mists a Chinese Junk fishing boat.

 009 - An hour later a Chinese Laundry can be also be seen however, no code letters there!

011 - Next Clue place - " The House of the Rising Sun".

 012 - This Alien Lady high on opium has the second letter needed! It's the first letter of the "Online game" that this Alien Lady is a visitor from?

 014 - Dancing robots here too!

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 2

Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

 006 - This is an image of one of the gate's which I have to find the 4 letter codes for (first part), phew time running out, must move very fast must hurry, hurry!!

007 - Wait..... WOW Delicious Chinese Take Away food.... YAY .......  "Time put on hold", sorry: "Captain's Log" having some Chinese food is more important than getting "frazzled" by some out of control Sun................. Going to camp here for a couple of days !!
Btw: the Robot on the door gave me a piece of stale cake and the name of that cake is the first letter of the code? :))

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

LEA12 - The Paradise of CyberPolis - Part 1

A game- and story-based grey-scaled art installation.
Credit: Asmita Duranjaya and Sable/snakeappletree.
Credit for Images: © rig torok March 2015

I seem to be in some form of time data corruption zone and I  have a time leak of some type!!
My ship  crashed on this planet in a city of paradise, called CyberPolis! It seems that the planet is out of control heading for it's Sun.
I must have gotten out ok as my last posting was from Tokyo InWorldz. However, vital records and details of this City have been destroyed!!
I do have some pictures which I found on my cam but, not the notes.........................
So please bear with me as i try and fit them in some sort order trying to work out what  was dreaming and what was real! Or was it all just a dream?
To escape from this city I need a set of letters which will make a code to open the gates to the inner cambers where the escape pod is found!  Everyone else has gone except some Cyborgs..... Hope i can get help from them - maybe!!
"Decidedly Strange Goings-on"

NB: Not sure how many parts there will be with this time leak I have been having!
Also on my Blog I will add a few words to each image..............
Maybe to make the story clearer, just maybe! Well for me anyway!!!

 001 - The underwater crash-site

002 - The dead scientist and explorer where I found her notebook for the escape route out of this doomed city!

003 - To get to the surface I have to enter the large disused sewer pipes

004 - Reading the first clue that I am on the right track I will see an alien skeleton!

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

InWorldz I.C.E. - Labyrinth Part 4 of 4

I.C.E. (InWorldz Cultural Arts Endowment)
Labyrinth In A Shell
*About Me - Kerupa Flow*
"I am a Japanese artist.  The art you see here was made on a computer, using a pen tablet. 
Virtual Worlds allows me to display my art in its purest form.  Digital data is revealed via graphic pixels.  Virtual Worlds helps make my art come alive, makes it real, more even than in 1st life, because to show it there I would have to transform it, by printout or posting on the web.  Here I can upload and it is a real life experience inside a Virtual World.  I find that so exciting!" ~#Kerupa Flow.
Credit: Kerupa Flow.
Credit for Images: © rig torok