Second Life Art Installation - April 2015
Credit: by Whiskey Monday.
Credit for Images: rig torok.
As you know from my last posting I had a complete shutdown of all systems.................
Could not work out what went wrong so decided to hop out and have a look around where-ever I was!
Oxygen is good so lets go >>>>>>>
Hmmmm nothing here expect nothing as far as the eye can see and more nothings...............
Heading back.... "WAIT" I see something!
This place is called "Nothing Endures But Change" so everything is not what it seems..... hmmm Interesting!
Thinking... ("Fish living out of water, humans lives in the water, sail boats flying in the sky and not on water") everything is the opposite here!
That's it........ Yes - to turn on my drives I press the Off button - to go forward apply reverse - to open the hatches press shut.
Yay..... take's off for home >>>>>>>>^
Look out for another extra thrilling adventures from y........................................
>>>> Darn Crash-Landed somewhere.............................. !!