"What better way to start off explorations than to visit the areas which enable you to see what is available on all the event sims. We have several ways you can begin your explorations.
Start off an exploration of the Winter Fest sims and builds by visiting our:
"#InWorldz Events Welcome Sim":
Moontan Valeeva has created a beautifully winter landscaped sim which is both welcoming and informative. Here you will find Winter Fest information posters along with tp location boards for each of the many sim builds on our Event sims. You can browse the boards to see which of your favorite creators have contributed to the event sim builds and see a sample picture of each build. There is also a skating pond and some free skates for you to enjoy.
Moontan has also created a sim tour. Just click on the sim tour sign and it will take you to one of our Winter Fest sim builds. Each sim has a tour sign that will take you to the next sim.
If you prefer walking, follow the red arrows to the bridge which leads to the outer land sim builds.
If you prefer walking, follow the red arrows to the bridge which leads to the outer land sim builds.
Or Take a sleigh ride tour around all the sims which was set up by aminata potez in a well crafted sleigh created by Wolf Hartnell which is powered by.. you guessed it 6 reindeer :) . Just sit on the sleigh and use your arrow keys to move it as you go from sim to sim exploring.
There is also a tp to the Winter Fest 2016 -
Walkable Map. Click the tp and you will be transported to this large walkable map created by Drew Hunter." ~EC
Walkable Map. Click the tp and you will be transported to this large walkable map created by Drew Hunter." ~EC
Credit Images by © #RigTorok