#InWorldz Toys4Tots
http://places.inworldz.com/InW orldz%20Events%20Scenic%2019/ 254/140/22
WeeFolk Team members: aminata potez (Team Leader), sChen Chaos, Archer Umia, Jerry Xae, Wolf Hartnell, Krei Snaggletoof, belavar planie, Tamara Ismee
The Weefolk community shows off their creativity in this whimsical and fun north pole winter wonderland. Grab a pair of free tiny or dinky skates, skate around the large ice pond and enjoy all the sights such as holiday trees, Christmas decorations, adorable critters, the Chanukah winter garden, caroling snowmen, igloos and the seal ice pond.
For some interactive fun, hop on the trampoline pad and see how high you can bounce, ride a swan sleigh, or stop in at Santa's house for a cup of hot chocolate as you sit on Santa's lap.
Exploring this collaborative build guarantees to bring a smile to your face". ~EC
Credit Images by © #RigTorok